SNARE ===== Super Next generation Advanced Reactive honEypot SNARE is a web application honeypot and is the successor of Glastopf_, which has many of the same features as Glastopf_ as well as ability to convert existing Web pages into attack surfaces with TANNER_. Every event sent from SNARE to TANNER_ is evaluated, and TANNER_ decides how SNARE should respond to the client. This allows the honeypot to produce dynamic responses which improves its camouflage. SNARE when fingerprinted by attackers shows that it is a Nginx Web application server. .. _TANNER: .. _Glastopf: Basic Concepts """""""""""""" * Surface first. Focus on the attack surface generation. Clone with ``Cloner``. * Sensors and masters. Lightweight collectors (SNARE) and central decision maker (tanner). Getting started """"""""""""""" You need Python3. We tested primarily with >=3.4 This was tested with a recent Ubuntu based Linux. **Steps to setup:** 1. Get SNARE: ``git clone`` and ``cd snare`` 2. [Optional] Make virtual environment: ``python3 -m venv venv`` 3. [Optional] Activate virtual environment: ``. venv/bin/activate`` **Note:** Do not use sudo with below commands if you're running snare in virtual environment. 4. Install requirements: ``sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt`` 5. Setup snare: ``sudo python3 install`` 6. Clone a page: ``sudo clone --target --path `` 7. Run SNARE: ``sudo snare --port 8080 --page-dir --path `` (See :doc:`parameters` description for more info) 8. Test: Visit http://localhost:8080/index.html 9. (Optionally) Have your own tanner_ service running. .. _tanner: [Note : Cloner clones the whole website, to restrict to a desired depth of cloning add ``--max-depth`` parameter] You obviously want to bind to and port 80 when running in *production*. **Docker build instructions** 1. Change current directory to ``snare`` project directory 2. ``docker-compose build`` 3. ``docker-compose up`` More information about running ``docker-compose`` can be found `here `_.